Python scriptsļƒ

The python script, jupyter-notebooks and GUI deals only with maximum of two different material per model. In case if you need more than two material, please refer the multi-material LaueNN code. The multi-material code can be used with ā€˜Nā€™ material. It has been tested with N=5 different material.

An example script to use LaueNN with python script is presented below.

There are three basic steps to launch the LaueNN module. Step 1 and Step 2 need to be run only once per material/case.

  1. First step involves defining the material directly in the input dictionary, this will create the training dataset and ground truth class of hkls to be used for Neural network training:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    # # Notebook script for generation of training dataset (supports single and two phase material)
    # ## For case of more than two phase, the code below can be adapted
    # ## Different steps of data generation is outlined in this notebook (LaueToolsNN GUI does the same thing)
    # ### Define material of interest
    # ### Generate class hkl data for Neural Network model (these are the output neurons)
    # ### Clean up generated dataset
    # In[1]:
    if __name__ == '__main__':     #enclosing required because of multiprocessing
        ## If material key does not exist in Lauetoolsnn dictionary
        ## you can modify its JSON materials file before import or starting analysis
        import json
        ## Load the json of material and extinctions
        with open(r'C:\Users\purushot\Desktop\github_version_simple\lauetoolsnn\lauetools\material.json','r') as f:
            dict_Materials = json.load(f)
        with open(r'C:\Users\purushot\Desktop\github_version_simple\lauetoolsnn\lauetools\extinction.json','r') as f:
            extinction_json = json.load(f)
        ## Modify the dictionary values to add new entries
        dict_Materials["alpha_MoO3"] = ["alpha_MoO3", [3.76,3.97,14.432,90,90,90], "SG62"]
        dict_Materials["PMNPT"] = ["PMNPT", [3.9969,3.9969,4.0457, 90, 90, 90], "SG99"]
        extinction_json["SG62"] = "SG62"
        extinction_json["SG99"] = "SG99"
        ## dump the json back with new values
        with open(r'C:\Users\purushot\Desktop\github_version_simple\lauetoolsnn\lauetools\material.json', 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(dict_Materials, fp)
        with open(r'C:\Users\purushot\Desktop\github_version_simple\lauetoolsnn\lauetools\extinction.json', 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(extinction_json, fp)
        ## Import modules used for this Notebook
        import os
        ## if LaueToolsNN is properly installed
            from lauetoolsnn.utils_lauenn import generate_classHKL, generate_dataset, rmv_freq_class, get_material_detail
            # else import from a path where LaueToolsNN files are
            import sys
            from utils_lauenn import generate_classHKL, generate_dataset, rmv_freq_class, get_material_detail
            # ## step 1: define material and other parameters for simulating Laue patterns
        # In[2]:
        # =============================================================================
        ## User Input dictionary with parameters
        ## In case of only one phase/material, keep same value for material_ and material1_ key
        # =============================================================================
        input_params = {
                        "material_": "alpha_MoO3",             ## same key as used in dict_LaueTools
                        "material1_": "PMNPT",            ## same key as used in dict_LaueTools
                        "prefix" : "",                 ## prefix for the folder to be created for training dataset
                        "symmetry": "orthorhombic",           ## crystal symmetry of material_
                        "symmetry1": "tetragonal",          ## crystal symmetry of material1_
                        "SG": 62,                     ## Space group of material_ (None if not known)
                        "SG1": 99,                    ## Space group of material1_ (None if not known)
                        "hkl_max_identify" : 5,        ## Maximum hkl index to classify in a Laue pattern
                        "hkl_max_identify1" : 5,        ## Maximum hkl index to classify in a Laue pattern
                        "maximum_angle_to_search":120, ## Angle of radial distribution to reconstruct the histogram (in deg)
                        "step_for_binning" : 0.1,      ## bin widht of angular radial distribution in degree
                        "nb_grains_per_lp_mat0" : 1,        ## max grains to be generated in a Laue Image
                        "nb_grains_per_lp_mat1" : 1,        ## max grains to be generated in a Laue Image
                        "grains_nb_simulate" : 1000,    ## Number of orientations to generate (takes advantage of crystal symmetry)
                        ## Detector parameters (roughly) of the Experimental setup
                        ## Sample-detector distance, X center, Y center, two detector angles
                        "detectorparameters" :  [79.26200, 972.2800, 937.7200, 0.4160000, 0.4960000], 
                        "pixelsize" : 0.0734,          ## Detector pixel size
                        "dim1":2018,                   ## Dimensions of detector in pixels
                        "emin" : 5,                    ## Minimum and maximum energy to use for simulating Laue Patterns
                        "emax" : 22,
        # ## Step 2: Get material parameters 
        # ### Generates a folder with material name and gets material unit cell parameters and symmetry object from the get_material_detail function
        # In[3]:    
        material_= input_params["material_"]
        material1_= input_params["material1_"]
        n = input_params["hkl_max_identify"]
        n1 = input_params["hkl_max_identify"]
        maximum_angle_to_search = input_params["maximum_angle_to_search"]
        step_for_binning = input_params["step_for_binning"]
        nb_grains_per_lp0 = input_params["nb_grains_per_lp_mat0"]
        nb_grains_per_lp1 = input_params["nb_grains_per_lp_mat1"]
        grains_nb_simulate = input_params["grains_nb_simulate"]
        detectorparameters = input_params["detectorparameters"]
        pixelsize = input_params["pixelsize"]
        emax = input_params["emax"]
        emin = input_params["emin"]
        symm_ = input_params["symmetry"]
        symm1_ = input_params["symmetry1"]
        SG = input_params["SG"]
        SG1 = input_params["SG1"]
        ## read hkl information from a fit file in case too large HKLs
        if manual_hkl_list:
            import numpy as np
            temp = np.loadtxt(r"")
            hkl_array = temp[:,2:5]
            hkl_array1 = None #temp[:,2:5]
            hkl_array = None
            hkl_array1 = None
        if material_ != material1_:
            save_directory = os.getcwd()+"//"+material_+"_"+material1_+input_params["prefix"]
            save_directory = os.getcwd()+"//"+material_+input_params["prefix"]
        print("save directory is : "+save_directory)
        if not os.path.exists(save_directory):
        ## get unit cell parameters and other details required for simulating Laue patterns
        rules, symmetry, lattice_material, crystal, SG, rules1, symmetry1,\
            lattice_material1, crystal1, SG1 = get_material_detail(material_, SG, symm_,
                                                                   material1_, SG1, symm1_)
        # ## Step 3: Generate Neural network output classes (Laue spot hkls) using the generate_classHKL function
        # In[4]:
        ## procedure for generation of GROUND TRUTH classes
        # general_diff_cond = True will eliminate the hkl index that does not satisfy the general reflection conditions
        generate_classHKL(n, rules, lattice_material, symmetry, material_, crystal=crystal, SG=SG, general_diff_cond=False,
                  save_directory=save_directory, write_to_console=print, ang_maxx = maximum_angle_to_search, 
                  step = step_for_binning, mat_listHKl=hkl_array)
        if material_ != material1_:
            generate_classHKL(n1, rules1, lattice_material1, symmetry1, material1_, crystal=crystal1, SG=SG1, general_diff_cond=False,
                      save_directory=save_directory, write_to_console=print, ang_maxx = maximum_angle_to_search, 
                      step = step_for_binning, mat_listHKl=hkl_array1)
        # ## Step 4: Generate Training and Testing dataset only for the output classes (Laue spot hkls) calculated in the Step 3
        # ### Uses multiprocessing library
        # In[5]:
        ############ GENERATING TRAINING DATA ##############
        # data_realism =True ; will introduce noise and partial Laue patterns in the training dataset
        # modelp can have either "random" for random orientation generation or "uniform" for uniform orientation generation
        # include_scm (if True; misorientation_angle parameter need to be defined): this parameter introduces misoriented crystal of specific angle along a crystal axis in the training dataset
        generate_dataset(material_=material_, material1_=material1_, ang_maxx=maximum_angle_to_search,
                             step=step_for_binning, mode=0, 
                             nb_grains=nb_grains_per_lp0, nb_grains1=nb_grains_per_lp1, 
                             grains_nb_simulate=grains_nb_simulate, data_realism = True, 
                             detectorparameters=detectorparameters, pixelsize=pixelsize, type_="training_data",
                             var0 = 1, dim1=input_params["dim1"], dim2=input_params["dim2"], 
                             removeharmonics=1, save_directory=save_directory,
                            write_to_console=print, emin=emin, emax=emax, modelp = "random",
                            misorientation_angle = 1, general_diff_rules = False, 
                            crystal = crystal, crystal1 = crystal1, include_scm=False,
                            mat_listHKl=hkl_array, mat_listHKl1=hkl_array1)
        ############ GENERATING TESTING DATA ##############
        factor = 5 # validation split for the training dataset  --> corresponds to 20% of total training dataset
        generate_dataset(material_=material_, material1_=material1_, ang_maxx=maximum_angle_to_search,
                             step=step_for_binning, mode=0, 
                             nb_grains=nb_grains_per_lp0, nb_grains1=nb_grains_per_lp1, 
                             grains_nb_simulate=grains_nb_simulate//factor, data_realism = True, 
                             detectorparameters=detectorparameters, pixelsize=pixelsize, type_="testing_data",
                             var0 = 1, dim1=input_params["dim1"], dim2=input_params["dim2"], 
                             removeharmonics=1, save_directory=save_directory,
                            write_to_console=print, emin=emin, emax=emax, modelp = "random",
                            misorientation_angle = 1, general_diff_rules = False, 
                            crystal = crystal, crystal1 = crystal1, include_scm=False,
                            mat_listHKl=hkl_array, mat_listHKl1=hkl_array1)
        ## Updating the ClassHKL list by removing the non-common HKL or less frequent HKL from the list
        ## The non-common HKL can occur as a result of the detector position and energy used
        # freq_rmv: remove output hkl if the training dataset has less tha 100 occurances of the considered hkl (freq_rmv1 for second phase)
        # Weights (penalty during training) are also calculated based on the occurance
        rmv_freq_class(freq_rmv = 1, freq_rmv1 = 1,
                            save_directory=save_directory, material_=material_, 
                            material1_=material1_, write_to_console=print)
        ## End of data generation for Neural network training: all files are saved in the same folder to be later used for training and prediction
  2. Second step involves training the neural network on the data generated in step 1:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    # # Notebook script for Training the neural network (supports single and two phase material)
    # ## Different steps of neural network training is outlined in this notebook (LaueToolsNN GUI does the same thing)
    # ### Load the data generated in Step 1
    # ### Define the Neural network architecture
    # ### Train the network
    # In[1]:
    if __name__ == '__main__':     #enclosing required because of multiprocessing
        ## Import modules used for this Notebook
        import numpy as np
        import os
        import _pickle as cPickle
        import itertools
        from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        ## if LaueToolsNN is properly installed
            from lauetoolsnn.utils_lauenn import array_generator, array_generator_verify, vali_array
            from lauetoolsnn.NNmodels import model_arch_general
            # else import from a path where LaueToolsNN files are
            import sys
            from utils_lauenn import array_generator, array_generator_verify, vali_array
            from NNmodels import model_arch_general
        # ## step 1: define material and path to access the training dataset generated using Step 1 script
        # In[2]:
        # =============================================================================
        ## User Input dictionary with parameters (reduced but same as the one used in STEP 1)
        ## In case of only one phase/material, keep same value for material_ and material1_ key
        # =============================================================================
        input_params = {
                        "material_": "alpha_MoO3",             ## same key as used in dict_LaueTools
                        "material1_": "PMNPT",            ## same key as used in dict_LaueTools
                        "prefix" : "",                 ## prefix for the folder to be created for training dataset  
                        "nb_grains_per_lp_mat0" : 1,        ## max grains to be generated in a Laue Image
                        "nb_grains_per_lp_mat1" : 1,        ## max grains to be generated in a Laue Image
                        "grains_nb_simulate" : 1000,    ## Number of orientations to generate (takes advantage of crystal symmetry)
                        "batch_size":50,               ## batches of files to use while training
                        "epochs":5,                    ## number of epochs for training
        material_= input_params["material_"]
        material1_= input_params["material1_"]
        nb_grains_per_lp = input_params["nb_grains_per_lp_mat0"]
        nb_grains_per_lp1 = input_params["nb_grains_per_lp_mat1"]
        grains_nb_simulate = input_params["grains_nb_simulate"]
        if material_ != material1_:
            save_directory = os.getcwd()+"//"+material_+"_"+material1_+input_params["prefix"]
            save_directory = os.getcwd()+"//"+material_+input_params["prefix"]
        if not os.path.exists(save_directory):
            print("The directory doesn't exists; please veify the path")
            print("Directory where training dataset is stored is : "+save_directory)
        # ## Step 2: Load the necessary files generated in Step 1 script
        # ### Loading the Output class and ground truth
        # In[3]:
        classhkl = np.load(save_directory+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_0"]
        angbins = np.load(save_directory+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_1"]
        loc_new = np.load(save_directory+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_2"]
        with open(save_directory+"//class_weights.pickle", "rb") as input_file:
            class_weights = cPickle.load(input_file)
        class_weights = class_weights[0]
        # ## Step 3: Defining a neural network architecture
        ###from script or define here
        # ## Step 4: Training  
        # In[5]:
        # load model and train
        #neurons_multiplier is a list with number of neurons per layer, the first value is input shape and last value is output shape, inbetween are the number of neurons per hidden layers
        model = model_arch_general(  len(angbins)-1, len(classhkl),
                                               kernel_coeff = 1e-5,
                                               bias_coeff = 1e-6,
                                               lr = 1e-3,
        ## temp function to quantify the spots and classes present in a batch
        batch_size = input_params["batch_size"] 
        trainy_inbatch = array_generator_verify(save_directory+"//training_data", batch_size, 
                                                len(classhkl), loc_new, print)
        print("Number of spots in a batch of %i files : %i" %(batch_size, len(trainy_inbatch)))
        print("Min, Max class ID is %i, %i" %(np.min(trainy_inbatch), np.max(trainy_inbatch)))
        epochs = input_params["epochs"] 
        ## Batch loading for numpy grain files (Keep low value to avoid overcharging the RAM)
        if material_ != material1_:
            nb_grains_list = list(range(nb_grains_per_lp+1))
            nb_grains1_list = list(range(nb_grains_per_lp1+1))
            list_permute = list(itertools.product(nb_grains_list, nb_grains1_list))
            steps_per_epoch = (len(list_permute) * grains_nb_simulate)//batch_size
            steps_per_epoch = int((nb_grains_per_lp * grains_nb_simulate) / batch_size)
        val_steps_per_epoch = int(steps_per_epoch / 5)
        if steps_per_epoch == 0:
            steps_per_epoch = 1
        if val_steps_per_epoch == 0:
            val_steps_per_epoch = 1 
        ## Load generator objects from filepaths (iterators for Training and Testing datasets)
        training_data_generator = array_generator(save_directory+"//training_data", batch_size,                                           len(classhkl), loc_new, print)
        testing_data_generator = array_generator(save_directory+"//testing_data", batch_size,                                           len(classhkl), loc_new, print)
        ######### TRAIN THE DATA
        es = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy', mode='max', patience=2)
        ms = ModelCheckpoint(save_directory+"//best_val_acc_model.h5", monitor='val_accuracy', 
                              mode='max', save_best_only=True)
        # model save directory and filename
        if material_ != material1_:
            model_name = save_directory+"//model_"+material_+"_"+material1_
            model_name = save_directory+"//model_"+material_
        ## Fitting function
        stats_model =
                                callbacks=[es, ms]
        # Save model config and weights
        model_json = model.to_json()
        with open(model_name+".json", "w") as json_file:
        # serialize weights to HDF5
        print("Saved model to disk")
        print( "Training Accuracy: "+str( stats_model.history['accuracy'][-1]))
        print( "Training Loss: "+str( stats_model.history['loss'][-1]))
        print( "Validation Accuracy: "+str( stats_model.history['val_accuracy'][-1]))
        print( "Validation Loss: "+str( stats_model.history['val_loss'][-1]))
        # Plot the accuracy/loss v Epochs
        epochs = range(1, len(model.history.history['loss']) + 1)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
        ax[0].plot(epochs, model.history.history['loss'], 'r', label='Training loss')
        ax[0].plot(epochs, model.history.history['val_loss'], 'r', ls="dashed", label='Validation loss')
        ax[1].plot(epochs, model.history.history['accuracy'], 'g', label='Training Accuracy')
        ax[1].plot(epochs, model.history.history['val_accuracy'], 'g', ls="dashed", label='Validation Accuracy')
        if material_ != material1_:
            plt.savefig(save_directory+"//loss_accuracy_"+material_+"_"+material1_+".png", bbox_inches='tight',format='png', dpi=1000)
            plt.savefig(save_directory+"//loss_accuracy_"+material_+".png", bbox_inches='tight',format='png', dpi=1000)
        if material_ != material1_:
            text_file = open(save_directory+"//loss_accuracy_logger_"+material_+"_"+material1_+".txt", "w")
            text_file = open(save_directory+"//loss_accuracy_logger_"+material_+".txt", "w")
        text_file.write("# EPOCH, LOSS, VAL_LOSS, ACCURACY, VAL_ACCURACY" + "\n")
        for inj in range(len(epochs)):
            string1 = str(epochs[inj]) + ","+ str(model.history.history['loss'][inj])+            ","+str(model.history.history['val_loss'][inj])+","+str(model.history.history['accuracy'][inj])+            ","+str(model.history.history['val_accuracy'][inj])+" \n"  
        # ## Stats on the trained model with sklearn metrics
        # In[6]:
        from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
        ## verify the 
        x_test, y_test = vali_array(save_directory+"//testing_data", 50, len(classhkl), loc_new, print)
        y_test = np.argmax(y_test, axis=-1)
        y_pred = np.argmax(model.predict(x_test), axis=-1)
        print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
    # In[ ]:
  3. Third step involves prediction and saving the results:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    # # Notebook script for Prediction of Laue spot hkl using the Trained model from step 2 (supports single and two phase material)
    # # This notebook also includes complete indexation process from the predicted spot hkl
    # ## Different steps of loading model to predicting the hkl of spots is outlined in this notebook (LaueToolsNN GUI does the same thing)
    # ### Define material of interest and path to experimental data; the path to trained model will be extracted automatically by default
    # ### Load the trained model 
    # ### Prediction of Laue spots hkl 
    # ### Constructing orientation matrix from the predicted hkl (i.e. index Laue Patterns)
    # In[1]:
    if __name__ == "__main__":    
        ## Import modules used for this Notebook
        import numpy as np
        import os
        import multiprocessing
        from multiprocessing import cpu_count
        import time, datetime
        import configparser
        import glob, re
        ## if LaueToolsNN is properly installed
            from lauetoolsnn.utils_lauenn import  get_material_detail, read_hdf5, new_MP_function, resource_path, global_plots
            from lauetoolsnn.lauetools import dict_LaueTools as dictLT
            # else import from a path where LaueToolsNN files are
            import sys
            from utils_lauenn import  get_material_detail, read_hdf5, new_MP_function, resource_path, global_plots
            import dict_LaueTools as dictLT
        from keras.models import model_from_json
        import _pickle as cPickle
        from tqdm import tqdm
        ncpu = cpu_count()
        print("Number of CPUs available : ", ncpu)
        # ## step 1: define material and path to data and trained model
        # =============================================================================
        ## User Input dictionary with parameters
        ## In case of only one phase/material, keep same value for material_ and material1_ key
        # =============================================================================
        input_params = {
                        "material_": "alpha_MoO3",             ## same key as used in dict_LaueTools
                        "material1_": "PMNPT",            ## same key as used in dict_LaueTools
                        "prefix" : "",                 ## prefix for the folder to be created for training dataset
                        "symmetry": "orthorhombic",           ## crystal symmetry of material_
                        "symmetry1": "tetragonal",          ## crystal symmetry of material1_
                        "SG": 62,                     ## Space group of material_ (None if not known)
                        "SG1": 99,                    ## Space group of material1_ (None if not known)
                        ## Detector parameters (roughly) of the Experimental setup
                        ## Sample-detector distance, X center, Y center, two detector angles
                        "detectorparameters" :  [79.26200, 972.2800, 937.7200, 0.4160000, 0.4960000], 
                        "pixelsize" : 0.0734,          ## Detector pixel size
                        "dim1":2018,                   ## Dimensions of detector in pixels
                        "emin" : 5,                    ## Minimum and maximum energy to use for simulating Laue Patterns
                        "emax" : 22,
                        "experimental_directory": r"C:\Users\purushot\Desktop\github_version_simple\lauetoolsnn\example_notebook_scripts\automated_script\alpha_MoO3_PMNPT\exp_data",
                        "experimental_prefix": r"img_",
                        "use_simulated_dataset": False,  ## Use simulated dataset (generated at step 3a) incase no experimental data to verify the trained model
                        "grid_size_x" : 5,            ## Grid X and Y limit to generate the simulated dataset (a rectangular scan region)
                        "grid_size_y" : 5,
        # ## Step 2: Get material parameters 
        # ### Get model and data paths from the input
        # ### User input parameters for various algorithms to compute the orientation matrix
        material_= input_params["material_"]
        material1_= input_params["material1_"]
        detectorparameters = input_params["detectorparameters"]
        pixelsize = input_params["pixelsize"]
        emax = input_params["emax"]
        emin = input_params["emin"]
        dim1 = input_params["dim1"]
        dim2 = input_params["dim2"]
        symm_ = input_params["symmetry"]
        symm1_ = input_params["symmetry1"]
        SG = input_params["SG"]
        SG1 = input_params["SG1"]
        if material_ != material1_:
            model_direc = os.getcwd()+"//"+material_+"_"+material1_+input_params["prefix"]
            model_direc = os.getcwd()+"//"+material_+input_params["prefix"]
        if not os.path.exists(model_direc):
            print("The directory doesn't exists; please veify the path")
            print("Directory where trained model is stored : "+model_direc)
        if material_ != material1_:
            prefix1 = material_+"_"+material1_
            prefix1 = material_
        filenameDirec = input_params["experimental_directory"]
        experimental_prefix = input_params["experimental_prefix"]
        lim_x, lim_y = input_params["grid_size_x"], input_params["grid_size_y"] 
        format_file = dictLT.dict_CCD["sCMOS"][7]
        ## Experimental peak search parameters in case of RAW LAUE PATTERNS from detector
        intensity_threshold = 90
        boxsize = 15
        fit_peaks_gaussian = 1
        FitPixelDev = 15
        NumberMaxofFits = 5000 ### Max peaks per LP
        bkg_treatment = "A-B"
        ## get unit cell parameters and other details required for simulating Laue patterns
        rules, symmetry, lattice_material,\
            crystal, SG, rules1, symmetry1,\
                lattice_material1, crystal1, SG1 = get_material_detail(material_, SG, symm_,
                                                                   material1_, SG1, symm1_)
        ## get proper Laue group to compute the inverse pole figure colors and write MTEX output file for orientation analysis
        material0_lauegroup = "3"
        ## incase of same material
        material1_lauegroup = "5"
        ## Requirements
        ubmat = 2 # How many orientation matrix to detect per Laue pattern
        mode_spotCycle = "graphmode" ## mode of calculation
        use_previous_UBmatrix_name = False ## Try previous indexation solutions to speed up the process
        strain_calculation = True ## Strain refinement is required or not
        ccd_label_global = "sCMOS"
        ## tolerance angle to match simulated and experimental spots for two materials
        tolerance = 0.6
        tolerance1 = 0.6
        ## tolerance angle for strain refinements
        tolerance_strain = [0.6,0.55,0.5,0.45,0.4,0.35,0.3,0.25,0.2,0.15]
        tolerance_strain1 = [0.6,0.55,0.5,0.45,0.4,0.35,0.3,0.25,0.2,0.15]
        strain_free_parameters = ["b","c","alpha","beta","gamma"]
        ## Parameters to control the orientation matrix indexation
        softmax_threshold_global = 0.80 # softmax_threshold of the Neural network to consider
        mr_threshold_global = 0.90 # match rate threshold to accept a solution immediately
        cap_matchrate = 0.01 * 100 ## any UB matrix providing MR less than this will be ignored
        coeff = 0.10            ## coefficient to calculate the overlap of two solutions
        coeff_overlap = 0.10    ##10% spots overlap is allowed with already indexed orientation
        material0_limit = 1  ## how many UB can be proposed for first material
        material1_limit = 1 ## how many UB can be proposed for second material; this forces the orientation matrix deduction algorithm to find only a required materials matrix
        material_phase_always_present = "none" ## in case if one phase is always present in a Laue pattern (useful for substrate cases)
        ## Additional parameters to refine the orientation matrix construction process
        use_om_user = "false"
        nb_spots_consider = 500
        option_global = "v2"
        additional_expression = ["none"] # for strain assumptions, like a==b for HCP
        ## load model related files and generate the model
        json_file = open(model_direc+"//model_"+prefix1+".json", 'r')
        classhkl = np.load(model_direc+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_0"]
        angbins = np.load(model_direc+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_1"]
        ind_mat = np.load(model_direc+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_5"]
        ind_mat1 = np.load(model_direc+"//MOD_grain_classhkl_angbin.npz")["arr_6"]  
        load_weights = model_direc + "//model_"+prefix1+".h5"
        wb = read_hdf5(load_weights)
        temp_key = list(wb.keys())
        # # load json and create model
        loaded_model_json =
        model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
        print("Constructing model")
        print("Uploading weights to model")
        print("All model files found and loaded")
        ct = time.time()
        now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ct)
        c_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        hkl_all_class1 = None
        with open(model_direc+"//classhkl_data_nonpickled_"+material_+".pickle", "rb") as input_file:
            hkl_all_class0 = cPickle.load(input_file)[0]
        if material_ != material1_:
            with open(model_direc+"//classhkl_data_nonpickled_"+material1_+".pickle", "rb") as input_file:
                hkl_all_class1 = cPickle.load(input_file)[0]
        config_setting = configparser.ConfigParser()
        filepath = resource_path('settings.ini')
        print("Writing settings file in " + filepath)
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'residues_threshold',str(residues_threshold))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'nb_spots_global_threshold',str(nb_spots_global_threshold))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'option_global',option_global)
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'use_om_user',use_om_user)
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'nb_spots_consider',str(nb_spots_consider))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'path_user_OM',"none")
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'intensity', str(intensity_threshold))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'boxsize', str(boxsize))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'pixdev', str(FitPixelDev))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'cap_softmax', str(softmax_threshold_global))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'cap_mr', str(cap_matchrate/100.))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'strain_free_parameters', ",".join(strain_free_parameters))
        config_setting.set('CALLER', 'additional_expression', ",".join(additional_expression))
        with open(filepath, 'w') as configfile:
        # ## Step 3: Initialize variables and prepare arguments for multiprocessing module
        col = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        colx = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        coly = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        rotation_matrix = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        strain_matrix = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        strain_matrixs = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        match_rate = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        spots_len = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        iR_pix = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        fR_pix = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        mat_global = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        best_match = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        spots1_global = [[] for i in range(int(ubmat))]
        for i in range(int(ubmat)):
            best_match[i].append([[] for jk in range(lim_x*lim_y)])
            spots1_global[i].append([[] for jk in range(lim_x*lim_y)])
        if use_previous_UBmatrix_name:
            np.savez_compressed(model_direc+'//rotation_matrix_indexed_1.npz', rotation_matrix, mat_global, match_rate, 0.0)
        # =============================================================================
        #         ## Multi-processing routine
        # =============================================================================        
        ## Number of files to generate
        grid_files = np.zeros((lim_x,lim_y))
        filenm = np.chararray((lim_x,lim_y), itemsize=1000)
        grid_files = grid_files.ravel()
        filenm = filenm.ravel()
        count_global = lim_x * lim_y
        list_of_files = glob.glob(filenameDirec+'//'+experimental_prefix+'*.'+format_file)
        ## sort files
        ## TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
        list_of_files.sort(key=lambda var:[int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in re.findall(r'[^0-9]|[0-9]+', var)])
        if len(list_of_files) == count_global:
            for ii in range(len(list_of_files)):
                grid_files[ii] = ii
                filenm[ii] = list_of_files[ii]     
            print("expected "+str(count_global)+" files based on the XY grid ("+str(lim_x)+","+str(lim_y)+") defined by user")
            print("and found "+str(len(list_of_files))+" files")
            print("expected "+str(count_global)+" files based on the XY grid ("+str(lim_x)+","+str(lim_y)+") defined by user")
            print("But found "+str(len(list_of_files))+" files (either all data is not written yet or maybe XY grid definition is not proper)")
            digits = len(str(count_global))
            digits = max(digits,4)
            # Temp fix
            for ii in range(count_global):
                text = str(ii)
                if ii < 10000:
                    string = text.zfill(4)
                    string = text.zfill(5)
                file_name_temp = filenameDirec+'//'+experimental_prefix + string+'.'+format_file
                ## store it in a grid 
                filenm[ii] = file_name_temp
        check = np.zeros((count_global,int(ubmat)))
        # =============================================================================
        blacklist = None
        ### Create a COR directory to be loaded in LaueTools
        cor_file_directory = filenameDirec + "//" + experimental_prefix+"CORfiles"
        if list_of_files[0].split(".")[-1] in ['cor',"COR","Cor"]:
            cor_file_directory = filenameDirec 
        if not os.path.exists(cor_file_directory):
        try_prevs = False
        files_treated = []
        valu12 = [[filenm[ii].decode(), ii,
                    ind_mat, ind_mat1,
                    model_direc, float(tolerance),
                    int(ubmat), ccd_label_global, 
                    try_prevs, ## try previous is kept true, incase if its stuck in loop
                    strain_free_parameters] for ii in range(count_global)]
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(ncpu)
        pbar = tqdm(total=len(valu12))
        def update(*a):
        all_results = []
        for i in range(
            results = pool.apply_async(new_MP_function, args=([valu12[i]]), callback=update)
        for r_message_mpdata in all_results:
            strain_matrix_mpdata, strain_matrixs_mpdata, rotation_matrix_mpdata, col_mpdata,\
            colx_mpdata, coly_mpdata, match_rate_mpdata, mat_global_mpdata,\
                cnt_mpdata, meta_mpdata, files_treated_mpdata, spots_len_mpdata, \
                    iR_pixel_mpdata, fR_pixel_mpdata, best_match_mpdata, check_mpdata = r_message_mpdata
            for i_mpdata in files_treated_mpdata:
            for intmat_mpdata in range(int(ubmat)):
                check[cnt_mpdata,intmat_mpdata] = check_mpdata[cnt_mpdata,intmat_mpdata]
                mat_global[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = mat_global_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
                strain_matrix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:] = strain_matrix_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:]
                strain_matrixs[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:] = strain_matrixs_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:]
                rotation_matrix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:] = rotation_matrix_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:]
                col[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:] = col_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:]
                colx[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:] = colx_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:]
                coly[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:] = coly_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:]
                match_rate[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = match_rate_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
                spots_len[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = spots_len_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
                iR_pix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = iR_pixel_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
                fR_pix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = fR_pixel_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
                best_match[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = best_match_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
        ### Save files and results
        #% Save results
        save_directory_ = model_direc+"//results_"+input_params["prefix"]+"_"+c_time
        if not os.path.exists(save_directory_):
        np.savez_compressed(save_directory_+ "//results.npz", 
                            best_match, mat_global, rotation_matrix, strain_matrix, 
                            strain_matrixs, col, colx, coly, match_rate, files_treated,
                            lim_x, lim_y, spots_len, iR_pix, fR_pix,
                            material_, material1_)
        ## intermediate saving of pickle objects with results
        with open(save_directory_+ "//results.pickle", "wb") as output_file:
                cPickle.dump([best_match, mat_global, rotation_matrix, strain_matrix, 
                              strain_matrixs, col, colx, coly, match_rate, files_treated,
                              lim_x, lim_y, spots_len, iR_pix, fR_pix,
                              material_, material1_, lattice_material, lattice_material1,
                              symmetry, symmetry1, crystal, crystal1], output_file)
        print("data saved in ", save_directory_)
            global_plots(lim_x, lim_y, rotation_matrix, strain_matrix, strain_matrixs, 
                         col, colx, coly, match_rate, mat_global, spots_len, 
                         iR_pix, fR_pix, save_directory_, material_, material1_,
                         match_rate_threshold=5, bins=30)
            print("Error in the global plots module")
        # ## Step 4: Launch multiprocessing prediction and orientation matrix calculation
        # args = zip(valu12)
        # with multiprocessing.Pool(ncpu) as pool:
        #     results = pool.starmap(new_MP_function, tqdm(args, total=len(valu12)))
        #     for r in results:
        #         r_message_mpdata = r#.get()
        #         strain_matrix_mpdata, strain_matrixs_mpdata, rotation_matrix_mpdata, col_mpdata,\
        #         colx_mpdata, coly_mpdata, match_rate_mpdata, mat_global_mpdata,\
        #             cnt_mpdata, meta_mpdata, files_treated_mpdata, spots_len_mpdata, \
        #                 iR_pixel_mpdata, fR_pixel_mpdata, best_match_mpdata, check_mpdata = r_message_mpdata
        #         for i_mpdata in files_treated_mpdata:
        #             files_treated.append(i_mpdata)
        #         for intmat_mpdata in range(int(ubmat)):
        #             check[cnt_mpdata,intmat_mpdata] = check_mpdata[cnt_mpdata,intmat_mpdata]
        #             mat_global[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = mat_global_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
        #             strain_matrix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:] = strain_matrix_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:]
        #             strain_matrixs[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:] = strain_matrixs_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:]
        #             rotation_matrix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:] = rotation_matrix_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:,:]
        #             col[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:] = col_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:]
        #             colx[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:] = colx_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:]
        #             coly[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:] = coly_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata,:]
        #             match_rate[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = match_rate_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
        #             spots_len[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = spots_len_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
        #             iR_pix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = iR_pixel_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
        #             fR_pix[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = fR_pixel_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]
        #             best_match[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata] = best_match_mpdata[intmat_mpdata][0][cnt_mpdata]